Maine Radon

Have you considered a Maine Radon test? Residents of Maine and homeowners should seriously consider having a radon test done, and Maine’s Radon Pro’s can help.

What is Radon?

Radon is a gas, it is radioactive and it can seep through bedrock, concrete, and other materials used to build foundations for homes. It is often present around bedrock, and 1 in 3 homes in Maine test positive for dangerous levels of radon. This is why it’s a very good idea to do a Maine Radon test, which you can request a quote for here. Fortunately there are affordable solutions to high radon levels.

Is Maine Radon common?

Much of the State of Maine has granite and other bedrock not far below the ground, and much of the coast of Maine is rocky. In more than 25% of Maine homes tested the levels of radon are above what’s considered “dangerous levels,” the damage to your lungs caused by this is thought to be equal to smoking two packs of cigarettes a day.

What are the health hazards?

Continued exposure to radon is thought to be the 2nd leading cause of lung cancer, second only to cigarette smoke. It is the leading cause of lung cancer among non smokers. Maine Radon is no different from radon found elsewhere, but the levels of radon are slightly above average in Maine, meaning that it is more important to test for it here and in most northern US states.

What can you do about Radon?

The first step is to test, which is an easy process of testing air and water quality. If your home is found to have more than 4 pCi/L (picocuries per liter) of air or more than 4,000 pCi/L of water, your home should have a simple filtration system installed, which usually doesn’t take more than a day.

You can contact us here to set up a quote for a Radon test.

Reasons to test for radon:

– Building inspection revealed high levels detected

– Home is built on bedrock

– You have a finished basement with frequently used areas (gym, living space, common area/TV room)

– You are interested in staying healthy and wish to be sure you aren’t harming yourself by living where you do