Gelinas HVAC : How’s your indoor air quality?

The air pollution has been a big topic recently, and but you don’t hear many people talking about the air quality in your home. There have been recent studies that state air quality inside our homes can be more polluted than the air outside. This can cause health issues for you and your family. It is said that we spend 90% of our time inside. Don’t fear, indoor air pollution is something you work to improve!

The most common cause of indoor air pollution are the gases and particles floating around in the air. These particles can come from a number of different places, such as poorly ventilated heating systems, toxic building materials, personal care products, household cleaning solutions, pet dander and even mold. Here are some basic tips for taking control of your indoor air quality.

• Eliminate the individual sources of pollution;
• Improve building ventilation; and
• Install effective air filtration and air cleaning devices.


Another good way to eliminate the sources of pollution in your home is keep areas clean and free of debris. Making sure to vacuum regularly can make a large improvement in controlling pet hair and other harmful things in the air. Make sure not to let damp or water to sit, this will encourage mold and mildew to grow. Mold disperse spores into the air that can affect our breathing.

Not having the proper ventilating greatly increases pollutant levels, this is due to the lack of fresh air, the fresh air dilutes the emissions. Be sure to check that any piece of equipment that has an air intake also has the proper sources of fresh air to pull from, and has a proper exhaust.

Making sure your HVAC systems are properly maintained which ensures that the ventilation is working and is filtering properly. Don’t wait any longer and have your HVAC system checked out, as well as your attic and other ventilation points in your home.

Gelinas HVAC : Upgrading Your Heating System

As home owners there’s a lot to think about and sometimes your heating system can slip through the cracks. Upgrading your heating system can save you time and money. Is your heating system more than 10 years old? Do you find that you’re often making repairs to it? Or perhaps you’ve noticed hot and cold spells only in specific rooms? It is probably time to replace your system, but don’t take my word for it, call in a professional to have it evaluated.


Don’t make the mistake of waiting until your system dies, take the time now to do your research and look at all your options. It can by a lot of money to upgrade/replace your heating system so don’t let saving money on your energy bills be your only motivation. When you have the professional come in to evaluate your system make sure that they also check for leaky ductwork, which could be the cause of your issues.

If your heating system is more than 10 years old, there are some amazing new energy efficient systems to choose from. One great place to start would be to contact your local HVAC professional, like Gelinas HVAC, and have them check out your current system and for any potential leaks. While they’re there they will be able to offer you recommendations on what size and type of unit is best for you and your home. Don’t let you old system cost you more money, call a professional today!

Morrison Real Estate : Private Mortgage Insurance

First off, what is private mortgage insurance? Often referred to as PMI, it is an insurance policy that is designed to protect the lender from any loss on their investment if you end up in foreclosure. PMI is determined based on how much you put down as well as your credit score. It can range from 0.3% – 1.5% of the orignial loan amount per year. It can be around $100 a month or more depending on how much your mortgage is for.

Don’t worry, if you have to get PMI you won’t be stuck with it forever! Once the principle of your loan drops below 78% of your home’s value, the lender MUST automatically cancel your private mortgage insurance. Although it does get automatically canceled it can take several years to get your principal below 78% of your home’s original value. It is a good idea to keep an eye on your loan balance and contact your lender once your balance reaches 80% of your home’s value.

Reaching below 78% of your home’s value isn’t the only way to get your PMI cancelled. Refinancing or getting a new appraisal could get your PMI canceled. Getting a new appraisal would help if you think your home’s value has increased largely. One thing that will help increase your home’s value would be home improvements that would increase it’s value. Contact your lender to run some numbers for you!

Another great way to get your PMI canceled would be through refinancing. Not only could this get your PMI possibly canceled it could also get you a lower monthly payment.

In conclusion, most people will end up needing private mortgage insurance, but you’re not stuck with it for the life of your mortgage!

Gelinas HVAC : Maintenance Agreements

Using the sticky note approach to remind you to have your HVAC system maintained? Get ready to throw out those bright yellow annoyances! Gelinas HVAC offers Maintenance Agreements for all your HVAC equipment.

Have an oil furnace? No worries! Or perhaps you have a gas fired unit, they’ll maintain that as well! And of course, they will maintain your AC units.

If you sign up for a service agreement with Gelinas HVAC they will;

  • Check and replace dirty air filters
  • Inspect electrical connections
  • Check thermostat and controls
  • Clean vents and burners depending on your system
  • Vacuum heat exchanger on oil firing units
  • + so much more!

For more information and details about maintenance agreements please check out their website.


Gelinas HVAC : Green HVAC

As a society we’ve been paying a lot more attention to how we effect our environment. As a result of this more and more people are “going green”. There are many things you can do in your own home to reduce your carbon foot print. One big thing that most people probably don’t consider is making your HVAC system green and energy efficient.

At Gelinas HVAC it is one of their top priorities to be trained and certifies on the latest HVAC technology in efficiency. Not only will making your HVAC system energy efficient help our environment it will also keep the dough in your wallet where it belongs.

Here are tips on how to make your HVAC system a green HVAC unit!

  • Programmable Thermostats
    • You can save as much as 10% per year on heating and cooling simply by utilizing a programmable thermostat to manage your settings!
  • Ducts & Water Pipes
    • Properly sealed, insulated and well-placed ducts and water pipes have a big impact on energy bills.
  • Controlling Humidity & Ventilation
  • Sealing Air Leaks
    • The average Maine home is estimated to have air leaks equivalent to the size of a large window!
  • Maintain Your HVAC Systems
    • Replace the filter in your furnace every month or so during high-use months goes a long way in the equipment’s efficiency, improving efficiency and energy consumption by 50%.

Gelinas HVAC: Emergency Plumber

Sometimes you just can’t avoid calling a plumber, some situations that require the attention of an emergency plumber are but not limited to, burst pipes, major flooding, wet backyards or clogged toilets.

Having to call a plumber for an emergency should not bring upon the feeling of dread. Have no fear! Call the professional emergency plumbers at Gelinas HVAC.  Gelinas HVAC is Elite Certified with many of the top manufacturers of plumbing fixtures and systems. Their staff and technicians have been in the business for years.

Gelinas HVAC: Air Conditioning

It’s that time of year again, time to turn on the air conditioning! We all enjoy the refreshing cool air that our air conditioning units provide but not all of us enjoy the upkeep and maintenance to keep those units running smoothly. You’re in luck! Gelinas HVAC provides a maintenance package to keep your unit in tip top shape.

Whether you already have a A/C unit, looking to upgrade or looking to get an air conditioning unit installed for the first time Gelinas HVAC is your full service provider of the best in air conditioning maintenance and new installations.


Gelinas HVAC: Maintaining HVAC Systems

Why is it important to maintain your HVAC systems?
A good way to think about it to think of your HVAC systems like a car. Just like your car it needs maintenance and care to function properly and efficiently.

Now who wants to worry about maintaining HVAC systems?
With Gelinas HVAC’s maintenance & service agreements you won’t have to! They won’t just service one of your systems, but all of them. Contact Gelinas HVAC today so that your HVAC systems are always working at peak efficiency.

Gelinas HVAC: Plumbing

Plumbing is one of those things that home owners tend to forget about, and it is an essential part of a home.  Each person uses roughly 80-100 gallons of water per day, and all of that water needs to flow through your plumbing. Gelinas HVAC has been providing plumbing services for over 20 years! With their knowledge and experience you can’t get better service. They treat your home or business as if it were our own.

Whether you need a repair, retrofitting existing plumbing, or preparing for a new installation, trust Gelinas to deliver the best installation and service. Their services include:

  • Service, Repairs, Replacement of existing fixtures and systems
  • Energy Efficient Upgrades
  • Kitchen & Bath Remodels
  • Drainage, Sump Pumps, Sewer/Septic
  • Winterizing Seasonal Buildings
  • Irrigation/Lawn/Garden Sprinklers

For a free consultation and estimate on your plumbing needs, contact Gelinas HVAC today!

Morrison Real Estate | Portland Maine Real Estate

Morrison Real Estate is located in the heart of Portland Maine’s West End Historical District, where they have been assisting sellers and buyers with all their real estate needs for nearly 30 years. They specialize in Southern Maine residential and commercial real estate, and take a personalized approach with each client.

The Portland, Maine real estate market has been booming recently. With a swell of condominiums and attempts at affordable housing being built. Looking to buy a home in Portland, Maine? Here’s a little bit of information to get you started;

  • Average Listing Price: $435,966.
  • There are currently 231 houses for sale.
  • There are 38 schools in Portland.
  • Crime rate has increased in the past year.

Contact Morrison Realtors to help guide you through the task of buying a home in the Portland, Maine real estate market.