Historic Door Restoration from Kronenberger & Sons can bring back your historic home or property’s beauty and glory. If you have a historic door or home, consider Kronenberger & Sons for restoring it. Doors, windows, fixtures, steeples, clocktowers, copulas, metal, and more, can all be restored. Not only is restoration beneficial for the eyes and general look of the building, but it’s also safer for you and anyone who inhabits or spends time in the building. This is because historic buildings also come with older construction materials. Lead and asbestos were very common in home and building construction up until the 1970s. In the 70s they were finally banned from future construction. This means unless your home or building is younger than 50 years old, it probably has these materials in it somewhere. Including the doors and windows.
Historic Door Restoration
Kronenberger & Sons are experienced at historic restorations. Visit their website to read the detailed process, but suffice it to say, it’s thorough. They not only restore your door or piece of your home, but they also cleanse it of all the lead and/or asbestos they can remove. Making your home safer, and more beautiful.
As mentioned, Kronenberger * Sons does more than just restore windows and doors. They can restore many parts of historic homes, and even build new ones. They are a modern construction company as well. What’s more, they also can do general contracting and logistics for your future or current construction projects. They can restore copulas, steeples, clocktowers, masonry, concrete, and stonework. They also are fully capable of restoring metal and wood from historic homes. Visit their website to learn more!