Windows and Door Restoration

Windows and Door Restoration from Kronenberger & Sons will allow you to keep the old world charm of your home or historic building intact. With over 65 years of business under their belt, there’s a good chance what you’re restoring is younger than their business. However, when it comes to historic homes and buildings, there is plenty of aged and various styles of homes in need of restoration. These days some people seem too eager to replace these vintage fixtures and settings with modern or cheap replacements. Kronenberger & Sons prefer to see the original artistry of and detail of a home to be restored to its proper beauty. This is why they specialize in Windows and Door Restorations.

Windows & Door Restoration for Vintage Charm

If you live in a home with classic style then you must appreciate the level of detail home builders went through. Restore those details with Kronenberger & Sons and impress everyone who walks through the door. Additionally, they can restore masonry, stone, & concrete. This is in extension to the wood & metal restorations, composite replications, and Cupola, Steeple, & Clock Tower restorations. If you have property that you want to give a classic style of an era gone by, they can help. First, they will evaluate the work that needs doing. Taking every job that comes their way as unique. They work to illustrate the work that needs to be done before beginning the job. Kronenberger & Sons use technology to take an image of what’s there and what it will look like after. This give you an exceptional vision of the end result.

Doing the Job Safe, Smart, And Exceptionally

It’s not enough to restore an old door or window. It needs to be safe moving forward. Many older construction techniques included lead and asbestos. Kronenberger & Sons take the time to investigate then mitigate future exposure. Taking the pieces to their shop/facility in Middletown, where they can perform lead/asbestos abatement. This abatement reduces the level of dangerous material in the piece being restored. Making it truly safe possibly for the first time. Learn more about the restoration process at Kronenberger & Sons website.