When thinking about home improvement do you ever wonder if using environmentally friendly floss would make a difference in your carbon footprint? It’s a small thing, changing one’s dental floss but many small things make big differences. Maybe some other small changes one makes is to also consider other Dental Lace products such as their toothpaste tablets or bamboo toothbrush.
Dental Lace is your family’s answer to a cleaner mouth and planet. Our environmentally friendly floss comes in a refillable, plastic free container, which makes it a 100% zero waste product. A glass container with a stainless-steel cap holds floss that is 100% compostable silk. The refill bags are certified compostable and the boxes are 100% post-consumer paperboard. The container can be re-used, the bags composted, the boxes recycled and the floss biodegrades. Our labels are 100% compostable and made from sugar cane fiber. If you are looking for earth friendly products for your oral care, Dental Lace is a great choice.
We’ve been blessed to be featured on many blogs, in magazines and mentioned on television. Founded by a former high school English teacher Dental Lace LLC truly understands the need for high quality products with clearly defined principles & true value for cost.