Maine Radon in Water : Affordable Water Treatment

Did you know that there could be Maine radon in your water? If you’ve never heard of radon, hopefully this article will help educate you and let you know what you can do about it. First off, radon is a radioactive gas that is colorless, odorless and tasteless. It is a naturally occurring gas that comes from the breakdown of uranium in the ground. Radon can be found more than just in the air in your home, it can also make it’s way into the water supply.

If you have interest in learning more about Maine radon in water, be sure to get in touch with Affordable Water Treatment. These radon professionals would be more than happy to have a conversation with you, talking about how and why radon appears in water. I am not an expert on how the radon is formed, but I can explain some of the health risks involved with being exposed to radon for a long period of time. Prolonged exposure to Maine radon in water can lead to developing lung cancer.

That’s why Affordable Water Treatment has made it their mission to help the people of Maine mitigate the radon in their homes and businesses. Maine radon in water is typically removed from the water with aeration systems. This aeration can be done with the use of air pumps or bubbling water in an atmospheric chamber. Affordable Water Treatment can do the air and water radon testing as well as discuss all of your mitigation options. By the time they leave after installing your Maine radon aeration system or air mitigation system you will feel rest assured.