Radon in Water : Affordable Water Treatment

The possibility of Radon in water is not usually on the top of homeowners or home buyers list, that’s why Affordable Water Treatment puts it on the top of their list. Their number one goal is to make sure every home is tested for radon both in the air and radon in the water. The tricky thing about Radon is that it is an invisible, odorless and tasteless gas, making it impossible to detect without the proper tests. Radon can present itself in a few ways, in the air we breathe as well as radon in water. The reason radon needs to be tested for and mitigated is because it’s the number one case of lung cancer among people who don’t smoke.

Now that I’ve got your attention, if you’ve never had your home tested for radon it might be time to do so. There are millions of homes that have elevated levels of radon, luckily there are simple test kits that can reveal the level of radon in your home. The professionals at Affordable Water Treatment has the test kits you’re looking for. One you get your test results, they are also the people who can help you determine the right radon mitigation system for your home. Even very high levels of radon can be remedied with a simple and affordable system that will only take a couple hours to be installed. Even with a reduction system in place the professionals at Affordable Water Treatment recommend that you have your home retested every couple of years. Even when you make structural changes to your house or perhaps are making plans to finish your basement, another test should be taken.

Affordable Water Treatment is here to help you with radon testing, and working out what to do with your test results. They can help install a system to reduce radon in the air and radon in water. If you’ve never had your home tested for radon, and would like to make sure you and your family aren’t being exposed to a harmful chemical, contact these professionals today. They will work with you to make sure you and your family are safe and healthy.