Calling all Lumber Harvesters, Loggers, Arborists, Landscapers and anyone else who finds themselves surrounded by wood chips! I have found a trucking and delivery company that offers wood chip disposal, Dirt Direct. One of my favorite things about their wood chip disposal program is that they do all they can to make sure that it all gets recycles. Dirt Direct recycles the wood chips their customer drop off or have picked, with local power plants. When you go with Dirt Direct for your wood chip disposal needs you can rest easy knowing they will be given new life.
Dirt Direct offers hassle free pick up and drop off of wood chips. Get more time out of your day by having Dirt Direct pick up your wood chips, or you can arrange to drop it off at their facility at your convenience. If you’re a home owner and have a recently cleaned up your land or yard and you have a bunch of wood waste such as branches, stumps and slash, Dirt Direct can come get it out of your way! They will grind up all your wood waste for use by municipalities, loggers, contractors and tree companies.
Get wood waste out of your way and put to good use!
Don’t take your wood waste to the landfill, give Dirt Direct a call and have it recycled! Help Dirt Direct take the eco-friendly road and take your wood waste off your hands.