Winter Pool Safety Covers from Century Pools is not only a great way to protect your pool, but your family and friends too. Winter safety covers have come a long way compared to even a decade ago. Growing up you may have been told, “Don’t walk on the pool cover, it isn’t safe!” And while that is still good advice, new safety pool covers are designed to hold a lot of weight. This is to protect anyone should they accidentally fall into the pool while the cover is on. It is a very real drowning risk, or at least it used to be. Old-style covers would break, rip, or release from their fasteners. Surrounding the person who fell into the water and making it difficult to swim or find their way out of the pool. This has led to many deaths over the decades of pool ownership in America.
Winter Pool Safety Covers
But new covers are safe. Safety pool covers are preventing accidental pool deaths around the country. So if you have a pool and want peace of mind this winter, make sure you have a winter safety pool cover. Tell your friends and family with a pool that if they don’t have one, they should upgrade. Pool covers have been around for a long time. Not everyone might think they need a new one. They aren’t super cheap either. But how much is a life worth? We think it’s a good investment especially if you have young kids around your home. Pools are a wonderful addition to a home. But making sure it stays safe is the responsibility of all pool owners. Century Pools is there to help keep your pool safe, clean, and functional.
Visit Century Pool’s website to learn more about winter safety pool covers, and their many other services for pool owners and commercial pools and spas.