Maine AC Company

Maine AC Company Gelinas HVAC is here to fix, maintain, sell, and install AC Units in your home. They have the expertise and the knowledge to keep you cool all summer long. Gelinas HVAC works on heating, cooling, and plumbing issues in your home. They can help you from anything involving your plumbing, from new sink install to septic pipe unclogging, and everywhere in between. They are HVAC specialists. Which means they need to have knowledge of all three of these categories anyway. So why not put that knowledge to good use for you?

Maine AC Company

Gelinas isn’t trying to sell you anything either. They want to make sure the appliances in your home are working well, so you don’t need an emergency repair, which is expensive. They can inspect your heating and cooling units. Make suggestions or repairs for you to maintain them, and keep you informed. These years can be annually. However, when you need something new, or more efficient, they can make a recommendation based on your home. This way you won’t waste money on a unit larger than you need. They also install heat pumps in addition to classic HVAC systems. Heat pumps are becoming more and more popular as they both heat and cool, and are extremely energy efficient.