Air Conditioning

Summer is here and you may need to have your air conditioning serviced! If you think your AC wasn’t up to snuff for last summer, don’t suffer through another one. Call Gelinas HVAC to come and evaluate your home, service, update, or upgrade your current A/C, or install a new one. Summers aren’t going to be getting any cooler anytime soon. It’s time to be proactive and make sure you’ll be comfortable when it’s hot and humid outside.

Keep Cool With Efficient Air Conditioning

Not all air conditioning is made equal. Not all homes have the same energy efficiency, in fact home energy efficiency can vary widely. You and your neighbor could have cookie cutter identical homes, and it’s still possible for your energy efficiency to vary. If you’ve have windows replaced, if they redid their roof a few years ago or replaced it. Sometimes and addition or areas where modifications to the insulation are made can strongly effect your efficiency. Then there is simple construction error, where a crew missed putting in insulation, or didn’t level the window frame correctly and a small hole or gap exists. Older homes especially suffer from ailments like these.

That is why Gelinas HVAC will visit your home and evaluate your homes energy efficiency, and give you the best air conditioning and HVAC system for your space. The goal is to provide you with a system that meets your needs, but isn’t oversized for your space. So you aren’t paying for more than you need.

Don’t Wait Until It Breaks!

Let Gelinas HVAC come and service and maintain your Air Conditioning system. hey can inspect it annually or more frequently to ensure it stays cool in your home when you need it. Often people wait until their A/C breaks to call in a specialist. Then you are paying for emergency or “rushed” repairs AND suffering from the uncomfortable hot and humid weather. Keep the repair costs down and stay comfortable all summer long with Gelinas HVAC. Visit their website and contact them ASAP!