Warm Waters : Maine Snow Melt Driveways

There’s a new service the Warm Waters is offering that I didn’t know was possible here, Maine snow melt driveways! Yes you read that right, it is possible to have heated driveways here in Maine. Warm Waters has the perfect solution for all outdoor walking surfaces such as driveways, walkways, parking spaces and other pedestrian areas. When you work with Warm Waters and their Maine snow melt driveway solutions you can avoid the back breaking labor of shoveling, polluting deicing with salt or sand and then the clean up at the end of the season.

Warm Waters works with Uponor Snow and Ice Melting systems. These products have been proven and upholds installation standards that use radiant heat technology with an exterior application. This technology will amaze and astound you, leaving your driveway, walkways and parking areas snow and ice free! This great Maine snow melt driveways are an automatic control system that only heats up when it’s needed, day and night! This system uses the existing heating system in your home or business and transfers it through a heat exchanger to the Maine snow melt driveway system.

Another great feature of using Maine snow melt driveways is that it protects those surfaces from the corrosion of salt and plowing. Another great feature for any business is that it reduces slip and fall liability, leaving you and your customers with peace of mind. An installation like this isn’t a week long project either, well depending on how many areas you’d like to install it under. Contact Warm Waters today and learn more about how you can avoid spreading the salt, sand and slippery areas on your driveway, walkways and more next winter!