Heat Pumps : Warm Waters

Winter is fast approaching, along side the rise in heating oil prices, this combination might have you thinking about switching to heat pumps. Heat pumps are newer, more energy efficient heating and cooling system. There are far better experts out there like, Warm Waters, that can answer all your questions. I can only give me testimonial an how my experience with ours has been.

Since having our heat pumps installed, our home has been consistently comfortable. Our home is kind of a boxy, awkward layout that was only being heated by a single propane heated. We ended up with cold spots and extremely warm spots. We do still have the propane heater as a back up for those extreme cold temperatures. Although we have only turned it on a few days every winter. With our installation we now have a completely warm house. We have two units, one in the living room and one in the kitchen. These two units are more than enough to make sure there is consistent and efficient heat through out our home.

Heat Pumps

Heat pumps do more than just heat. You might not know it from their name, but they are also a very efficient source of cooling. Cooling our home is often much less on our electric bill than heating it. I don’t know the science behind heat pumps, but they have been proven to work much more effectively and efficiently than our old heating system. When you’re ready, or have more questions I suggest reaching out to Warm Waters. They have years of experience, both installing and maintaining units. This family owned and operated company has their customers number one in their mind. If they come look at your home, and don’t think heat pumps would be a good fit, they’ll tell you! Now is a great time to reach out and schedule a consultation.