Air Conditioning : Gelinas HVAC

If you have not yet had your Air Conditioning system figured out or serviced, don’t worry there is still time! I would definitely suggest that your first step be to place a call to Gelinas HVAC. These Air Conditioning experts have been working in the industry for over 20 years! They have made their reputation of being known as the providing the best residential and commercial Air Conditioning services in their area! They are a full service provider from installation to maintenance. Here in Maine we’ve already had quite a few hot days. Depending your physical health and location, these hot days can be unbearable!

Don’t spend another hot day struggling to breath, sweating without moving or being uncomfortable. Make sure that your Air Conditioning unit is working to the best of it’s capability. Or if you do not have a cool system set up in your home yet, call Gelinas HVAC to schedlue a consultation. Gelinas HVAC can even help with making the switch a green air conditioning. Making the switch to a green system can have a big impact on both your wallet and the planet. This is why the team at Gelinas HVAC has made it one of their priorities to train and certify their team.

I think the best part about Gelinas HVAC is that they offer free consultations and estimates. This is a great option if you’re just thinking about making an upgrade or a new installation. You don’t have to worry about being pressured into a sale during your initial consultation. As well as you’ll have the information you need with Gelinas HVAC leaves to be able to make the right decision for you. This team of experts can even go as far as to show you some calculations. They will be able to show you some information about what kind of impact making the switch will have.