Gelinas HVAC : Heat Pump Installation

With the world trying to find alternative heating and cooling options from the traditional fuel based, you may have heard a lot about heat pumps. We recently had a heat pump installation completed in our home, and I can tell a difference! We went from a few rooms in our home being comfortable, to all rooms of our home being warm and cozy. Not heat pump installation may not be the right choice for all homes or businesses but that’s why it’s important to call the experts at Gelinad HVAC.

When you have a free consultation with Gelinas HVAC they will be able to help you determine if heat pump installation is the right direction for your property. Some of the reasons heat pumps might be the right direction is because heat pumps run at a quarter of the cost compared to traditional heating and cooling methods. They are also a much less invasive installation, than say heat ducts. Heat pump installation consists of an indoor unit and an outdoor unit. Depending on your home you could end up with 1-3 indoors units but only 1 to 2 different outdoor units. Another feature that I love about heat pumps is that they are self modulating, much like a traditional thermostat you can choose the temp you would like and the heat pumps with keep that.

I don’t think you can see the full benefits of a heat pump installation until you have one done. I was excited to have our installation completed, but didn’t fully grasp what a difference they were going to make in our home. Since having the heat pumps installed our butter is now at room temp even during the winter! Our bedroom is no longer hot and dry while the rest of the house got colder the further you got from the heat source. It is hard for me to fully put into words how much of a difference they have made in our home and our comfort. If you’re looking to change how your home is heated or cooled, call Gelinas HVAC today.