Gelinas HVAC : Energy Efficiency

Have you been thinking about improving your homes or businesses energy efficiency? Did you know that operating your heat and A/C can account for more than half of your energy bill? You can kill two birds with one stone and save money and switch to a more energy efficient HVAC system. HVAC systems have a huge impact on both your wallet and the planet, which is why Gelinas HVAC makes it their priority to stay up to date with the latest technology in efficiency. If you’re thinking about making the switch, the professionals at Gelinas HVAC can answer all of your going green questions.

Switching to an HVAC system is not the only thing you can do to be energy efficient. Gelinas HVAC loves to help their clients out with tips on how to keep your energy costs down and maybe even help the planet while your at it. They offer suggestions such as programmable thermostats which can save you as much as 10% a year on your heating and cooling costs. By simply adjusting your thermostat when you are not home or even when you’re sleeping can save you money. There are a number of different tips that Gelinas HVAC has when it comes to saving on your heating and cooling costs as well as being more energy efficient.

Whether you’re thinking about making the switch to a greener heating and cooling system or just looking for some tips on how to save and be more efficient with your current system, Gelinas HVAC can help! It might be winter now, but there’s still time to talk with Gelinas HVAC about making the switch in the spring. You can get the numbers now and make preparations or your energy efficient switch.