Gelinas HVAC : Heating Systems

There are many different types of heating systems out there that essentially all do the same thing. The heating system is one of the most important systems in your home or business, and is also one of the largest investments you will make. Gelinas makes it a priority to offer service repairs, replacement of current heating systems, energy efficient upgrades, annual service checks, burner conversions, duct cleaning, indoor air quality testing, and maintenance programs with discounted hourly rates. Gelinas has very knowledgable workers that give you advice on what to do and what you should upgrade. Heating systems have a big impact on your pocketbooks as well as the planet, that is why Gelinas’ top priority is to be trained and certified in the latest technology in efficient heating systems. If you are looking for more information or to contact Gelinas HVAC, visit!

Gelinas HVAC : Upgrading Your Heating System

As home owners there’s a lot to think about and sometimes your heating system can slip through the cracks. Upgrading your heating system can save you time and money. Is your heating system more than 10 years old? Do you find that you’re often making repairs to it? Or perhaps you’ve noticed hot and cold spells only in specific rooms? It is probably time to replace your system, but don’t take my word for it, call in a professional to have it evaluated.


Don’t make the mistake of waiting until your system dies, take the time now to do your research and look at all your options. It can by a lot of money to upgrade/replace your heating system so don’t let saving money on your energy bills be your only motivation. When you have the professional come in to evaluate your system make sure that they also check for leaky ductwork, which could be the cause of your issues.

If your heating system is more than 10 years old, there are some amazing new energy efficient systems to choose from. One great place to start would be to contact your local HVAC professional, like Gelinas HVAC, and have them check out your current system and for any potential leaks. While they’re there they will be able to offer you recommendations on what size and type of unit is best for you and your home. Don’t let you old system cost you more money, call a professional today!